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♥ Tuesday, April 03, 2007
12:51 AM

was looking through my files and saw these overdued ubin trips photos. looked total shit in it but heck.. lols.. aarghh.. dread going to work later ):



he looked so reluctant with that kiss RAHHH! group photo with timer (:
don't ask me why i sensored. lols
beautiful sunset
old school neos with darling girls- me, xinyi, shu an & meijing (:

♥ Monday, April 02, 2007
4:28 PM

bittersweet quarrels ((:
blissful to have marvelous my boyfriend, friends and family around!
imma stuck at home today with the loud screwings from the apartment above me. countered it by blasting my itunes. hahhaas came to a conclusion- i starting to hear buzzing sound from my ear.. don't ever try doing this. decided to change my blogskin.. kinda get sick and tired of the plain one.. angela huang please be free to make one new blogskin for me again (: nevertheless, i've changed to this after asking opinions from esther.. and yes all thanks to that sweet girl, helped me with the changing as i din want to ruin everything in my hands.. thanks esther chin hui may =D she made me so jealous.. went to the zoo with her bunny.. imma missing all the animals there already ): i want to go before my school starts on the 16april!!!!!

my all time fav place

loving their asses

i wanna try this out- SENTOSA LUGE & SKYRIDES seems awfully fun right? yeah thats what i thought too.. i wanna be an islander! sunseasandmylove. indeed true (:
off to meet mr edward soon, he's knocking off at 7pm. whooooos! oh yes, something i made for him. aint the completed bottle.. but it broke the very next day ): everything inside do have a meaning for it. figure it out yourself (: have fun guessing hohoho..

♥ Thursday, March 29, 2007
12:17 AM

HAPPPY 2nd month anniversary baby ((:
HAHAAS din get to say that last month cause there's no 29february!!!! owells & thank you edward, for everything.. i don't have to type it here (: you know. and sorry, for all the times, you know. i don't have to type it here. hahahas. everything was sweet nontheless :) ILOVEYOU!

finally went to tampines ikea with shu an today.. got some stuffs over that and we started doing stupid stufffs.. awfully fun ((: headed down to bugis then went to look for edward over at his granny's place.. he gonna start work soon & i'll be left alone ): date me out my friends!! not forgetting gotta start my revising my driving theory.. exams nearer!!!

celebrated shu an's birthday with the rest of the girls, xinyi and meijing.. surprised her with strawberry shortcake & awkwardly sang birthday song over at mac before we went for dinner at HK cafe.. yummilcious dim sum, main course & icy dessert.. we even took old school neos!
everyone looked so cute hahas. shall post the picture up next time..

bbq party over at pasir ris for darling girl.. bought her m)phosis white bag and cooked cartel-look alike chicken cutlet for her.. its edible!!!

♥ Monday, March 26, 2007
2:09 AM

imma feeling really in emo shit now. cried for no reason..

anyways HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DEAREST LIEW SHU AN ((: its on the 25th march btw.. imma really sorry that this come so late.. thats really show imma such a lousy friend ya.. sometimes i really want to let them know that i really cared but something just stopping me from doing that.. when they need someone to be there i seems to not by their side listening to their sorrows.. but when i need them, they will surely be around.. this shouldn't be the case ya.. thats not how a healthy friendship works.. or when they did something really nice for me and when its their turn, i dont seems to make any effort in doing it.. or is it that challenge to balance friendship and boyfriend? it seems like somehow when someone gets into a relationship, friendship will tend to drift apart a lil bit.. which is something i dont want it to happen.. i still want those days whereby we have endless chats, knowing one another happenings, sharing everything under the sun.. what's going on with my life??? feeling so aimless.. so lost now.. where should i pick up from? everything in my life seems to be in a mess now.. start afresh? it needs lots of determination i guess.. and someone please guide me along.. will i be able to take up this challenge? really putting my heart and soul into getting what i want to achieve in life.. somehow its stressing me too.. those high hopes pinned on me.. tho sometimes they just want me to do lil things for them i also don't do it right... thinking that imma a really fortuate kid.. thinking back.. when i want something and i'll just have to ask and the next moment i'll see that right infront of me.. probably imma taking all these for granted.. whatever things i wanted, i know i'll sure get it but when they ask something back in return i dont seems to be able to do it for them.. like wanting me to help out at the shop for them.. i did tried but everytime just back to the same again.. shit ): it just sadden me when i see the disappointment faces.. it does pushes me on to prove to them that i gonna be someone they gonna be proud of.. but it fails at times.. the moment i made them upset.. they cared for me, really cared but i just take their words for granted.. knowing that they gonna be upset and i still continue being that rebellious one.. take my piano for example, they always wanted me to finish my last grade and be able to see me serve in church by being the pianist.. and he telling me, rmb those time when you're young.. i've been fetching you to and fro for your piano lessons and exams.. those time and effort they've put in me hoping that i could accomplish something in my life.. and i crushed their hopes.. i've stopped my piano years back.. even my grandpa asked me why din i want to finish my grade 8.. i just went speechless.. not knowing what to reply him.. they have been telling me again and again urging me to finish up my piano.. of course, they wanted me to get into university too.. which i will.. hopefully its singapore university esle guess it gonna be abroad.. can i juggle so many things at a time? my loved ones in my life- not in order, FsquareBS. FAMILY, FRIENDS, BOYFRIEND, STUDIES. me myself also clueless about this.. with some help i guess imma be able to do it ya.. after long chat with edward last night, it really make me realise i should really concentrate on the things i want to achieve in life.. so working is out of the point for me now.. he's right.. why would i want to work my ass off and burn my weekends away. not implying that working on weekends is bad but for me whereby i know imma someone that i can't juggle too many things at one go.. so somehow i've gotta forgo things such as taking up a part time job to earn extra income.. just that without those extra income, i can't shop that much where i used to be last time.. no more restaurant, only once in awhile.. less cabbings.. dont wish to spent their money like running water too.. its their hard earned money.. the hardship they went through just to provide a good living environment for me and my brother.. last time i'll just spent money without thinking whether i really need it or its just that i find it nice and i'll just buy.. after purchase and i'll start regreting buying.. now, think twice before doing anything.. where i can use that time to do something that will be more beneficial.. moreover, they dont like me to work too.. why would i want to risk my future for that lil income.. there's more thing in life to concentrate on for now.. need to priorities! thanks, you really taught me alot of things about life.. mr advisor, my awesome boyfriend. i love you (:

not talking about this.. i've never been a good testimony of my christian life too.. be it spiritually or in daily life.. sometimes i wonder, imma born in a christian family and thats really make me take things for granted.. guess those who came from a non-christian family do makes a better testimony then i do.. i don't read God's words everyday.. pray before every meal.. going for YFs every sat which is my resolution.. din attend sunday school which imma suppose too.. imma just like a sunday christian.. monday to sat just leading a non-christian life.. how sick can that be.. learned something new from today's sermon.. a bible is just like a parachute.. you have to open the bible and read God's words, it will then be useful.. its just like the parachute only came in useful when it opens up.. if it dont opens up.. you will just fall and die.. this sentence just left a really deep impression in me.. i just want to have aims in my life.. a total change in my life.. whereby i know where imma heading towards.. imma the right thing at the right time.. putting all my effort in doing all that and not just give up halfway through everything.. i don't like the feeling of ending up with nothing when i've already started putting in my time in it.. no more wasting of my precious youth.. dont want to become a hopeless girl.. with no accomplishment in my life.. its just a awful thought ): i want to make full use of my brain and not leave it to rust.. interacting with others with substance topics and not always those gossips or anything.. tho its totally fine with talking rubbish or nonsense.. just want to have more knowledge up there..

i need DETERMINATION! life gonna be beautiful (:
pardon me for this long and draggy post.. suddenly just feel like ranting all out..

♥ Saturday, March 24, 2007
10:26 AM

its not a norm that i'd wake up so early on a satuaday morning.. but still i have to cause some uncle coming to the house to change the window grill before we can pass the house to the next owner.. owells, while waiting for him to fix the grill so imma here blogging.. esle it gonna be like donkey years later if i blog again..

not much stuffs happened i guess.. probably was kinda busy with work and ive got not much time to meet up with the rest.. but next week gonna be fun i guess.. baby finishing his paper and not forgetting my dear shu an's 18th birthday!! hopefully my back recover by that time so i can go cable ski with mr lau..

one more thing, but it gonna seem rather dumb.. cause i've just blogged that ive found a new job and the next moment imma thinking of quitting.. its fun working over at far east.. but for me its kinda dreadful to work over at topshop.. don't ask me why.. probably i think its the crowd and the management.. thinking in progress.. i need opinion whether i should quit!!!! pray pray & pray ((:

Take Time
Take time to think,
it is the source of power.
Take time to read,
it is the foundation of wisdom.
Take time to play,
it is the secert of staying young.
Take time to be quiet,
it is the opportunity to seek God.
Take time to be aware,
it is the opportunity to help others.
Take time to love and be loved,
it is God's greatest gift.
Take time to laugh,
it is the music of the soul.
Take time to be friendly,
it is the road to happiness.
Take time to dream,
it is what the future is made of.
Take time to pray,
it is the greatest power on earth.